Wild Turkey
3/02/25, Cedar Lake Farm Road, Cleveland County

Red-shouldered Hawk
3/1/25, Rankin Lake Park

Red-headed Woodpecker
3/1/25, Rankin Lake Park

Bald Eagle
2/28/25, Rankin Lake Park
The eagles at Rankin have two chicks in the nest.

Pine Warbler
2/20/25, back yard
These guys seem to spend a lot of time squabbling.

Brown Pelican
2/18/25, Huntington Beach State Park

Bonaparte's Gull
2/18/25, Huntington Beach State Park

Green-winged Teal
2/18/25, Huntington Beach State Park

Forster's Tern
2/18/25, Huntington Beach State Park

Greater Yellowlegs
2/28/25, Huntington Beach State Park

Tree Swallow
2/18/25, Huntington Beach State Park

Common Loon
2/13/25, Lake Norman

American White Pelican
2/7/25, Lake Wateree, SC

Pine Warbler
2/5/25, back yard

Pine Warbler and White Breasted Nuthatch
2/5/25, back yard

Downy Woodpecker
2/5/25, back yard

Ruby-crowned Kinglet
2/1/25, Rankin Lake Park

Sharp-shinned Hawk
1/28/25, back yard

Downy Woodpecker
1/28/25, back yard

European Starling
1/28/25, Harper Park

White-breasted Nuthatch
1/28/25, back yard

White-throated Sparrow
1/23/25, back yard

Brown-headed Nuthatch
1/23/25, back yard

White-breasted Nuthatch
1/23/25, back yard

Eastern Bluebird
1/23/25, back yard

Red-shouldered Hawk
1/19/25, back yard

Northern Cardinal
1/19/25, back yard

Hooded Merganser
1/14/25, Rankin Lake Park

Brown Thrasher
1/11/25, back yard

Pine Warbler
1/11/25, back yard

1/11/25, back yard

Pine Warbler
1/11/25, back yard

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
1/10/25, back yard

Red-shouldered Hawk, in a rainstorm
12/29/24, back yard

Pied-billed Grebe
12/26/24, Rankin Lake Park

Rusty Blackbird
12/26/24, Rankin Lake Park

Pine Warbler
12/23/24, back yard

Bald Eagle
12/20/24, Lake Norman

American Kestrel
12/08/24, Cleveland County NC

White-throated Sparrow
12/08/24, Cleveland County NC

Pine Warbler
12/06/24, back yard

Ruddy Duck
12/06/24, Rankin Lake Park

Brown-headed Cowbird
12/06/24, back yard

Carolina Chickadee
12/04/24, back yard

Pine Warbler
12/03/24, back yard

Dark-eyed Junco
12/03/24, back yard

Turkey Vulture
12/03/24, back yard

Northern Mockingbird
12/03/24, back yard

Eastern Bluebird
12/03/24, back yard

Downy Woodpecker
11/28/24, back yard

House Finch
11/28/24, back yard

Bald Eagle
11/21/254, Rankin Lake Park

Red-headed Wookpecker (immature)
11/21/24, Rankin Lake Park

Ruby-crowned Kinglet
11/21/24, Rankin Lake Park

Belted Kingfisher
11/21/24, Rankin Lake Park

Ruby-crowned Kinglet
11/19/24, Mountain Island Park

Winter Wren
11/17/24, Mountain Island Park

Hermit Thrush
11/17/24, Mountain Island Park

Purple Finch
11/13/24, Prairie Trail, McDowell Park

White-throated Sparrow
11/13/24, back yard

House Sparrow
11/13/24, Harper Park, Stanley NC

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
11/09/24, back yard

Golden-crowned Kinglet
11/09/24, back yard

Eastern Bluebird
11/09/24, back yard

American Crow
11/09/24, back yard

American Kestrel
10/31/24, Piedmont Prairie Trail

Red-headed Woodpecker
10/31/24, Piedmont Prairie Trail

American Goldfinch
10/31/24, Piedmont Prairie Trail

House Wren
10/31/24, Piedmont Prairie Trail

Brown Creeper
10/30/24, Harper Park, Stanley NC

Song Sparrow
10/26/24, Mountain Island Park

Eastern Bluebird
10/26/24, Mountain Island Park

Eastern Phoebe
10/26/24, Mountain Island Park

Blue-headed Vireo
10/20/24, back yard

Golden-crowned Kinglet
10/20/24, back yard

Northern Flicker
10/20/24, back yard

Cape May Warbler
10/13/24, back yard

Tennessee Warbler
10/8/24, back yard

Black-throated Green Warbler
10/8/24, back yard

Bay-breasted Warbler
10/8/24, back yard

American Redstart
10/4/24, back yard

Magnolia Warbler
10/5/24, back yard

Northern Parula
10/4/24, back yard

Blackburnian Warbler
10/4/24, back yard

American Redstart
10/4/24, back yard

Blue Jay
10/3/24, back yard

Baltimore Oriole
10/2/24, back yard

Bay-breasted Warbler
10/2/24, back yard

Rose-breasted Grossbeak
10/1/24, back yard

Tufted Titmouse
10/1/24, back yard

Red-bellied Woodpecker
9/29/24, Clover SC

Carolina Wren
10/1/24, Clover SC

Northern Cardinal
9/26/24, back yard, in the rain

Carolina Chickadee
9/26/24, back yard

Bay-breasted Warbler
9/22/24, back yard

Brown Thrasher
9/22/24, back yard

Tennessee Warbler
9/21/24, back yard

Northern Mockingbird
9/22/24, back yard

American Redstart
9/13/24, back yard

Black-throated Green Warbler
9/10/24, back yard

Tennessee Warbler
9/10/24, back yard

Black-throated Blue Warbler
9/7 (male) and 9/8 (female)
male was on BRP, and female in my back yard!

Chestnut-sided Warbler
9/7/24, Blue Ridge Parkway

Swainson's Thrush
9/7/24, Back yard

Tennessee Warbler
9/7/24, Blue Ridge Parkway

Black and White Warbler
9/8/24, back yard

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
9/3/24, back yard

Red-eyed Vireo
8/27/24, back yard

Wild Turkey
8/27/24, back yard

Northern Parula
8/27/24, back yard

American Goldfinch
8/27/24, back yard
The first one still has his nice summer color, but the second one is beginning to molt, and looking prettty ragged.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/27/24, back yard

Swainson's Warbler
8/26/24, Heffner Gap, Blue Ridge Parkway

Black-throated Green Warbler
8/26/24, Heffner Gap, Blue Ridge Parkway

Northern Parula
8/26/24, Mt. Mitchell Overlook, Blue Ridge Parkway

Cape May Warbler
8/26/24, Black Mountain Gap, Blue Ridge Parkway

Red-breasted Nuthatch
8/26/24, Mt. Mitchell State Park

Eastern Wood Pewee
8/26/24, Heffner Gap, Blue Ridge Parkway

Chestnut-sided Warbler
8/26/24, Heffner Gap, Blue Ridge Parkway

Yellow-throated Vireo
8/26/24, Heffner Gap, Blue Ridge Parkway

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
8/19/24, back yard

Eastern Bluebird
8/20/24, Clarkesville GA

Blue Grosbeak
8/21/24, Clarkesville GA

Cedar Waxwing
8/21/24, Brasstown Bald, GA

Great Crested Flycatcher
8/22/24, Clarkesville GA

Song Sparrow
8/20/24, Clarkesville GA

Swallow-tail Kite
8/17/24, Old Fort

Mississippi Kite (immature)
8/17/24, Old Fort

Black-capped Chickadee
8/12/24, Waterrock Knob, BRP (elev. 5820')

Dark-eyed Junco
8/12/24, Waterrock Knob, BRP (elev. 5820')

Cedar Waxwing
8/5/24, Mt. Mitchell State Park

Blackburnian Warbler (female/immature)
8/5/24, Heffner Gap, BRP

Scarlet Tanager
8/5/24, Heffner Gap, BRP

Hermit Thrush
8/5/24, Mt. Mitchell Overlook, BRP

Broad-winged Hawk
8/5/24, Mt. Mitchell Overlook, BRP

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8/4/24, back yard

Wild Turkey
8/3/24, back yard
Young turkeys taking over the bird feeder

American Goldfinch
8/2/24, back yard

Cooper's Hawk
8/2/24, River Hawk Greenway

Red-headed Woodpecker
7/28/24, McDowell Prairie

Northern Mockingbird (kind of ugly, either molting or a young one)
7/28/24, McDowell Prairie

Field Sparrow
7/28/24, McDowell Prairie

American Goldfinch, squabble that sent feathers flying
7/28/24, back yard

Eastern Bluebird
7/23/24, back yard

Whitetail Deer
7/21/24, back yard

Striped Skunk (or Hooded Skunk?)
7/21/24, back yard

American Goldfinch
7/18/24, back yard

Yellow-billed Cuckoo
7/17/24, back yard

American Goldfinch
7/13/24, back yard

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
7/13/24, back yard

Northern Cardinal
7/13/24, back yard

Wild Turkey
7/5/24, back yard

Yellow-billed Cuckoo
7/2/24, back yard

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
6/27/24, York County airport

Black and White Warbler
6/24/24, Trout Lake near Blowing Rock

Northern Parula
6/24/24, Price Lake near Blowing Rock

Hooded Warbler
6/24/24, Blue Ridge Parkway

Chestnut-sided Warbler
6/24/24, Trout Lake near Boone

6/24/24, Trout Lake near Blowing Rock

Prothonotary Warbler
6/23/24, Mosquito Den Swamp

Common Grackle
2/23/24, Mosquito Den Swamp

Black-throated Green Warbler
6/19/24, Mt. Mitchell State Park

Chestnut-sided Warbler
6/19/24, Blue Ridge Parkway

Blue-headed Vireo
6/19/24, Blue Ridge Parkway

Indigo Bunting
6/14/24, Blue Ridge Parkway

Canada Warbler
6/14/24, Trout Lake, Blowing Rock NC

Hooded Warbler
6/14/24, Trout Lake, Blowing Rock NC

Blackburnian Warbler
6/14/24, Blue Ridge Parkway, NC

Chestnut-sided Warbler
6/14/24, Trout Lake, Blowing Rock NC

Black-throated Blue Warbler
6/14/24, Trout Lake, Blowing Rock NC

Summer Tanager
6/13/24, back yard (last 2 are immature males)

American Goldfinch
6/13/24, back yard

Northern Mockingbird
6/13/24, back yard

Yellow-breasted Chat
6/12/24, Cowans Ford Wildlife Refuge

Blue Grosbeak (female)
6/12/24, Cowans Ford Wildlife Refuge

Eastern Phoebe
6/12/24, Cowans Ford Wildlife Refuge

Common Yellowthroat
6/12/24/, Cowans Ford Wildlife Refuge

American Crow
6/12/24/, Harper Park, Stanley NC

6/12/24/, Harper Park, Stanley NC

Wild Turkey
6/2/24, back yard
More chicks, and a pretty vigorous dust bath

Wild Turkey
5/21/24, back yard

Indigo Bunting
5/17/24, Harper Park, Stanley NC

Common Yellowthroat
5/17/24, Harper Park, Stanley NC

Northern Mockingbird
5/17/24, Harper Park, Stanley NC

Prairie Warbler
5/16/24, Cowans Ford Wildlife Refuge

Red-headed Woodpecker
5/13/24, McDowell Prairie

Yellow-breasted Chat
5/13/24, McDowell Prairie

Turkey Vulture
5/13/24, McDowell Prairie

Chimney Swift
5/12/24, back yard

Great Crested Flycatcher
5/12/24, back yard

Northern Parula
5/10/24, Cowens Ford Wildlife Refuge

Indigo Bunting
5/10/24, Cowens Ford Wildlife Refuge

Prothonotary Warbler
5/10/24, Cowens Ford Wildlife Refuge

House Finch
5/11/24, back yard

White-eyed Vireo
5/10/24, Cowens Ford Wildlife Refuge

Orchard Oriole
5/10/24, Cowens Ford Wildlife Refuge

Blue Grosbeak
5/11/24, back yard

Yellow-throated Vireo
5/4/24, back yard

Great Egret
5/2/24, Huntington Beach State Park, SC

Orchard Oriole
5/1/24, Huntington Beach State Park, SC

Painted Bunting (female)
5/1/24, Huntington Beach State Park, SC

5/1/24, Huntington Beach State Park, SC

Painted Bunting
4/30/24, Huntington Beach State Park, SC

Prothonotary Warbler
4/30/24, Huntington Beach State Park, SC

Prairie Warbler
4/23/24, Piedmont Prairie Trail, McDowell Park

Indigo Bunting
4/23/24, Piedmont Prairie Trail, McDowell Park

Summer Tanager
4/23/24, Piedmont Prairie Trail, McDowell Park

Blue Grosbeak
4/23/24, Piedmont Prairie Trail, McDowell Park

Yellow-throated Warbler
4/19/24, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly

Common Yellowthroat
4/18/24, Harper Park, Stanley

Blue Grosbeak
4/18/24, Alexis NC

Killdeer (faking an injury to draw me away from her nest, apparently)
4/18/24, Alexis NC

Red-eyed Vireo
4/16/24, back yard

European Starling
4/16/24, back yard

Common Yellowthroat
4/12/24, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly

White-eyed Vireo
4/12/24, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly

It's strange how quickly the size of this bird's pupils change.

Brown-headed Cowbird
4/10/24, back yard

Wild Turkey
4/8/24, back yard

Eastern Towhee
4/5/24, back yard

Northern Cardinal
4/3/24, back yard

Cedar Waxwing
4/3/24, back yard

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
3/28/24, back yard. First one this spring! Catching insects and posing in the crabapple tree.

Red-winged Blackbird
3/20/24, Rankin Lake Park

Carolina Chickadee
33/20/24, Rankin Lake Park

Wood Duck (They roost in trees!)
33/20/24, Rankin Lake Park

Yellow-rumped Warbler
33/20/24, Rankin Lake Park

Wood Duck
3/12/24, Rankin Lake, Gastonia NC
Thanks to my friend Sam Cranston for his help in photographing these birds.

Red-wing Blackbird
3/12/24, Rankin Lake, Gastonia NC

American Kestrel
3/8/24, Eastern Cleveland County

Eastern Meadowlark
3/8/24, River Hawk Greenway

Barred Owl
3/3/24, Hector Henry Greenway, Concord NC

Northern Shoveler
3/3/24, Hector Henry Greenway, Concord NC

Eastern Bluebird
2/24/24, back yard

River Otter
2/21/24, Catawba River at Tuckaseegee Park, Mt. Holly NC

Red-bellied Woodpecker
2/25/24, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly

Hairy Woodpecker
2/25/24, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly

Northern Cardinal
2/24/24, back yard

Pine Warbler
2/18/24, back yard
A lot of photos of this bird to follow. They love the upside-down suet feeder, and I take too many photos of them, but they are irresistible.

Red-headed Woodpecker
2/13/24, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly

Golden-crowned Kinglet
2/8/24, back yard

Pine Warbler
2/8/24, back yard

Northern Cardinal
2/8/24, back yard

Red-shouldered Hawk
2/7/24, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly NC

Red-headed Woodpecker
2/7/24, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly, NC

Bald Eagle
2/6/24, Rankin Lake Park

Red-bellied Woodpecker
2/6/24, Rankin Lake Park

Pied-billed Grebe
2/2/24, Rankin Lake Park

Bald Eagle
2/2/24, Rankin Lake Park

Ruddy Duck
2/2/24, Rankin Lake Park

2/2/24, Rankin Lake Park

Orange-crowned Warbler
2/1/24, Cherryville NC

Loggerhead Shrike
2/1/24, Eastern Cleveland Co., NC
Loggerheads in love?

White-breasted Nuthatch
2/1/24, Cherryville NC

Horned Grebe
2/1/24, Moss Lake, NC

Downy Woodpecker
1/30/24, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly, NC

Great Blue Heron
1/30/24, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly, NC

Eastern Towhee
1/30/24, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly, NC

Song Sparrow
1/30/24, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly, NC

Double-crested Cormorant
1/30/24, Rankin Lake Park, Gastonia NC

1/22/24, Northeastern Gaston County

Black and White Warbler
1/23/24, Tuckaseegee Park, Mt. Holly NC

Swamp Sparrow
1/23/24, Tuckaseegee Park, Mt. Holly NC

Golden-crowned Kinglet
1/11/24, Eastern Cleveland County

Loggerhead Shrike
1/11/24, Eastern Cleveland County

Canada Goose
1/11/24, Eastern Cleveland County

American Kestrel
1/11/24, Eastern Cleveland County

Pileated Woodpecker
1/7/24, Hector Henry Greenway, Concord NC

Northern Shoveler
1/7/24, Hector Henry Greenway, Concord NC

Rusty Blackbird
1/7/24, Hector Henry Greenway, Concord NC

Ruby-crowned Kinglet
1/4/24, Mt. Holly NC

Red-headed Woodpecker
1/4/24, Mt. Holly NC

In this photo I accidentally captured the bird in the act of relieving himself in mid-air. Not a beautiful sight, but probably (hopefully?) a one-of-a-kind image.

Blue Jay
1/3/24, back yard

Pine Warbler
1/2/24, back yard

Red-bellied Woodpecker
12/31/23, back yard

Winter Wren
12/28/23, River Hawk Greenway, Mt. Holly

Cedar Waxwing
12/23/23, back yard

European Starling
12/23/23, back yard

American Kestrel
12/20/23, eastern Cleveland County
One of my favorite birds, and the smallest raptor in North America

Pine Warbler
12/19/23, back yard

American Robin
12/19/23, back yard

Eastern Bluebird
12/19/23, back yard

Brown-headed Nuthatch
12/19/23, back yard

Hooded Merganser
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Little Blue Heron
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Little Blue Heron
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Great Egret
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

White Ibis
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Wood Stork
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Wood Stork
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Wood Stork
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Great Egret
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Hooded Merganser
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Red-winged Blackbird
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Red-winged Blackbird
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Red-winged Blackbird
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

White Ibis
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Surf Scoter
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Ring-billed Gull
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Gray Catbird
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Ring-billed Gull
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

White Ibis
12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

12/01/23, Huntington Beach State Park

Hairy Woodpecker
11/26/23, Harper Park, Stanley NC

11/25/23, Tuckaseegee Park, Mt. Holly NC

Hermit Thrush
11/25/23, Tuckaseegee Park, Mt. Holly NC

Red-headed Woodpecker
11/25/23, Tuckaseegee Park, Mt. Holly NC
Immature bird is very drab, but just beginning to get a spot of color on his neck.

American Kestrel
11/24/23, Eastern Cleveland County, NC

American Kestrel
11/24/23, Eastern Cleveland County, NC

American Kestrel
11/24/23, Eastern Cleveland County, NC

Eastern Towhee
11/24/23, Eastern Cleveland County, NC

Eastern Towhee
11/24/23, Eastern Cleveland County, NC

White-crowned Sparrow
11/24/23, Eastern Cleveland County, NC

White-crowned Sparrow
11/24/23, Eastern Cleveland County, NC

Red-tailed Hawk
11/24/23, Eastern Cleveland County, NC

Downey Woodpecker
11/22/23, Harper Park, Stanley NC

Downey Woodpecker
11/22/23, Harper Park, Stanley NC

Cooper's Hawk
11/22/23, Harper Park, Stanley NC

Hermit Thrush
11/22/23, Harper Park, Stanley NC

Red-shouldered Hawk
11/19/23, Harper Park, Stanley NC

Red-shouldered Hawk
11/19/23, Harper Park, Stanley NC

Pileated Woodpecker
11/18/23, back yard

Pileated Woodpecker
11/18/23, back yard

Red-bellied Woodpecker
11/16/23, back yard

Yellow-rumped Warbler
11/16/23, back yard

Blue Jay
11/16/23, back yard

Golden-crowned Kinglet
11/16/23, back yard

Eastern Bluebird
11/12/23, back yard

Song Sparrow
11/12/23, back yard

Ruby-crowned Kinglet
11/12/23, back yard

House Finch
11/12/23, back yard

Blue-headed Vireo
11/7/23, back yard

Golden-crowned Kinglet
11/5/23, back yard
These tiny, hyperactive birds weigh about a fifth of an ounce, and they move so quickly that they are a challenge to photograph. But the irredescent yellow-orange head patch makes them irresistible. They nest in Canada and winter in the states.

White-throated Sparrow
11/2/23, Mountain Island Lake

White-throated Sparrow
11/2/23, Mountain Island Lake

Red-tailed Hawk
11/2/23, Mountain Island Lake

Swamp Sparrow
11/2/23, Mountain Island Lake

Barn Owl
11/1/23, Cherryville NC
Many thanks to Bill and Anita Hooker for guiding me to these Cherryville birds

Loggerhead Shrike
11/1/23, Cherryville NC
Next photo shows a shrew that the Shrike has pinned to a barbed wire fence.

White-crowned Sparrow
11-1-23, Cherryville, NC

Pine Warbler
10/31/23, back yard

Yellow-rumped Warbler
10/31/23, back yard

Brown-headed Nuthatch
10/31/23, back yard

Golden-crowned Kinglet
10/29/23, back yard

Northern Mockingbird
10/29/23, back yard

Northern Mockingbird
10/29/23, back yard

European Starling
10/29/23, back yard

Northern Flicker
10/28/23, back yard

Sharp-shinned Hawk
10/25/23, back yard

Golden-crowned Kinglet
10/25/23, back yard

Red-shouldered Hawk
10/21/23, back yard. The following sequence shows him catching a vole.

Red-shouldered Hawk
10/21/23, back yard.

Red-shouldered Hawk
10/21/23, back yard.

Red-shouldered Hawk
10/21/23, back yard.

Red-shouldered Hawk
10/21/23, back yard.

Red-shouldered Hawk
10/21/23, back yard.

Red-shouldered Hawk
10/21/23, back yard.

Red-shouldered Hawk
10/21/23, back yard.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (female/immature)
10/21/23, back yard

Sharp-shinned Hawk
10/21/23, back yard

House Finch
10/20/23, back yard

Red-shouldered Hawk
10/20/23, back yard

Red-shouldered Hawk
10/20/23, back yard

Northern Flicker
10/18/23, back yard

Northern Flicker
10/18/23, back yard

Blue-headed Vireo
10/14/23, back yard, in the rain. First one of these I have seen in my back yard.

Pine Warbler
10/14/23, back yard, in the rain

Ruby-crowned Kinglet
10/14/23, back yard

Ruby-crowned Kinglet
10/14/23, back yard

Carolina Chickadee
10/13/23, back yard

Red-shouldered Hawk
10/13/23, back yard

Golden-crowned Kinglet
10/13/23, back yard

Pileated Woodpecker
10/10/23, back yard

Pileated Woodpecker
10/10/23, back yard

Magnolia Warbler
10/10/23, back yard

Magnolia Warbler
10/10/23, back yard

Cape May Warbler
10/11/23, back yard

Brown-headed Nuthatch
10/11/23, back yard

Chipping Sparrow
10/11/23, back yard

Chipping Sparrow
10/11/23, back yard

Yellow-rumped Warbler
10/8/23, back yard

Yellow-rumped Warbler
10/8/23, back yard

Cape May Warbler
10/8/23, back yard

Brown-headed Nuthatch
10/04/23, back yard

Black-and-White Warbler
10/04/23, back yard

Northern Parula
10/03/23, back yard